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Israel Diamond exchange 1994-2002

I joined the Israeli Diamond industry shortly after returning from Japan.  Moshe Erlich, my first emloyer, was looking for a Japanese speaker to develop is business in the region. And so my long journey in the diamond world begins with a business trip to Japan

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Le Lumiere 2002-2006

A begining of a journey, Joy, creativity, tears and broken heart. Nothing can describe the passion the belief and the team spirit. The birth of the company has to do with 9 months of book writing that gave me the spiritual strength and energy to create a path

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OrYahalom אוריהלום

Coming back to Israel after three and a half years in Hong Kong was a mixed emotions feeling. In one hand I have left my dreams but on the other hand I was finally back to Israel to set on a new journey to spread the Light of Diamonds. Only this time I have God in my Brand name

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7 years in "IUOBP"

Life can become very tough once the ocean decides it is time for you to drink some water.

and if this ocean happens to be Israel University Of Business People, you better wear your life guard vest and other life saving measures.make sure to take extra oxigen baloons and take a big breathhhhh

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Business Thoughts and Ideas

Here is where I want to originate business ideas and thoughts for you to judge and consider. Am I risking innovation and business secrets due to pre-mature exposure? Not if they are good and I maintain virtual intellectuial property.

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Business Thoughts and ideas 2

Either I have a lot of ideas or I don't know what else to write in the heather above.

I did not update this website since 2007 for a reason. I wanted to maintain its originality and content untouched. Since I am now launching two fascinating projects in the field of diamonds. And since I wish to try and drive traffic and attention to their existence from any possible direction. I wish to briefly write few words about each. the diamond bible. A website dedicated to elevate the connectivity between the dimensions of matter and spirit. a diamond website introducing first of its kind "Diamond Gift" concept.  

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